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Be careful with foreign data
Don´t publish foreign data of people you don´t say you can do it.

Don´t revel particular issues from someone in the Internet although
you think they don´t matter
Respect and prudence
Talk to people with respect and prudence maybe you can hurt them
Global and imaginative vision
Be careful with the jokes at public.Even if the person involved knows is a joke others can interpret wrong
Observation and emphaty
When you enter to a new place observe during some days after acting.Maybe is not the place and the people you thought.
Positive management of emotions
If someone hurts you desconect a little time maybe it was a misunderstanding or was not intentional.
Commitment and sensitivity
when you see someone commits an indiscretion, let them know dicretely.
Active and constructive involvement
If you belong to a community or network, participate and contribute positively
Tolerance and participation
Respect the others opinions and manifest yours.
If you see that someone suffers unfair treatment or abuse tries, help avoiding assumptions and conflicts

In this video you can find tips anti-cyberbulling:

Here you can have the URL


1. Tell someone and ask for help.
2. keep calm and don´t respond to provocations
3.Sve all the evidence, take photos or screen shots.
4.Let the bullies know that they are hurting you and ask them TO STOP
5.Contact the police if the harrassment hasn´t stopped
6.Don´t post any personal information online.
7.Think twice before posting photos and ask others not to share your photos and videos 
8.Regurlarly change and use different passwords
9.Clean your contact list
10.learn about and regurlarly up-date the settings

here the URL

Don´t do those things because you can hurt people like for example in the video that the girl of the pink t-shirt publish photos of her friend before asking so the boy was really sad.

In this video you can see how you do in the Internet like in the real life.

Here the URL

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10 keys to use the Internet safely
1.Don´t give personal data
2.Use more than one e-mail adress
3.Rejects SPAM and unexpected files
4.Don´t  give easily your e-mail
5. Don´t give anyone your password
6.If they bother you ask for help
7. Don´t believe the bargains and gifts
8.Believe always your mother and your father
9.Someone that you don´t know is not your friend
10.never cites for the first time with someone alone

Here the URL Advices for the correct use if the computer:

1. Side window
2.Soft colours
3. Furniture without reflections
4.Large table
5.Straight back
6.Appropriate distance
7.Correct screen
8.Good lighting
9.Hands relaxed
10.Correct posture

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Don´t publish things you don´t ask first and also don´t publish those things about you.

Here the URL

Don´t publish photos or videos before asking.

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